23 February 2009

her name is barney

she ain't pretty and i bet i'm taller.   body's not too curvy, though several bumps are evident.   she can be too noisy at times.  her morena skin has a few scratches but those doesn't stop hubby from admiring her, holding her, buying her some stuff, bringing her out on dates,  giving her a bath...

the affair started a month ago, january 19, 2009 to be exact.  i was at work when she came into the picture.  a week before i had a hunch but didn't entertain.  when i came home that fated afternoon, i saw her there.  Barney.

barney-front1 barneyback1

and i couldn't help but grin :D barney's a Mazda 323 1995 model with a 1.6 engine. We got her from Sulit (an online store).  It took us more than a week to close the deal because the original owner didn't intend to sell her.  It was so hard for him to let go of barney and i can see why.  Just like what I've said barney isn't perfect.  She's manual, pawis-steering, the air-con ain't too cold, something's wrong with her idling (whatever! i don't understand what hubby is talking about), that thingy you use to roll the window down is not affixed.  But we're still crazy about her.

Jaims gets to go around even if I'm not home yet.  He'll simply bring Sofi, stuff all the milk, water, food and toys she needs and presto, Barney becomes the yaya.  On nights that we wanted to eat something, we leave our room unnoticed and get back all filled up.  At times, Daddi will go by himself and get our orders :)  Barney takes us to places that we can't normally go.  On her first night, Barney brought us to Marikina Riverbanks.  Grocery can be bought elsewhere; with the gift checque mania SM becomes the usual grocery stuff.  And if I get so lucky, daddi, Sofi and barney brings me to work and back home.  And barney's first long trip was at Clark, when we went to the 14th Hot Air Balloon Festival.

Sure, she has her flaws.  What can you expect from a second-hand car sold at a very budget-friendly price?! But the thing is we loved Barney so much and i just can't wait for April to come -- road trip!!!  and do you know why we called her barney? :D

12 February 2009

friday the 13th, valentines, et al

When i woke up this morning, i felt a dark cloud atop my head.  It's one of those days when you don't feel like working anymore BUT you still have to. So you snooze the alarm for like a hundred times and you literally drag yourself out of the bed.  I kept telling myself, "one more day."

It took me 20 minutes to finally able to go down and prepare my coffee and breakfast.  Another 10 to start chomping the food.  I didn't notice I was staring blankly at the customers.  I was up until 1 AM last night.  I remember asking Dadi if he can get us some McDo stuff at 10PM.  He said he'll take Barney for a wash first before buying.  I surfed while waiting for him. At 11PM, he was still out. At 11:30 I stopped surfing and lay down in bed.  I went down to check on him, just in case he couldn't get in.  But he wasn't home yet.  He got back at 12MN and I was already asleep. He woke me up just to give me my cheeseburger and fries.  I'd like to think it was sweet but nah...

I left home at 7:45 to try to catch my 8:30 schedule.  When the jeepney going to meralco stopped at DECS, several folks got in with rose bouquets.  Which reminded me that tomorrow's Valentine's Day.  I couldn't help but smile.  If God sent those angels to take the jeep, I think  he just wanted to make me smile and perk me up.

Finding a ride to work was kinda hard today.  When I got to Meralco the place was already jammed.  A few taxi passed by but I ignored them thinking it's still early to get one. At 8:10, I still couldn't get a ride and Taxi's were hard to find.  One empty jeepney passed by but I was too damned lazy to run and squeeze myself in.   Finally, I was able to get a taxi at 8:15.  He was able to bring me to school on time but he said he didn't have any change for my P100 bill.  yeah right... i have no time left to argue and he only gave me P15.00 :(

3 more hours...

01 February 2009


everytime i use our home PC, I always have a chance of seeing what my husband is up to.  Sitting in our not-so-cozy computer monoblock has always been a surprise.  There are days when the monitor is loaded with PC stuff like those in www.tipidpc.com and www.cdrking.com ; and then some are fishing blog, fishing forum, fishing stuff, etc.  Recently his fave is www.mazdatech.org .  The other day it was p()rn heheh...

Our browser is Opera.  Even if he leaves the PC off, there's always an option of viewing the last opened windows.  And since this was a default option, i don't bother ticking off another option and preferring a blank window :) Anyways, when I got home last Friday he left the fishing forum window opened.  He wasn't exactly inside one topic but the words in the Board Index got me interested.  It says Quitting Smoking.

I browsed the thread hoping he had replied to the TS but he didn't.  This afternoon, I checked on the thread and was hoping (again) to see him reply but he still didn't.  I secretly wanted to see him post how he has quit but I know he hasn't completely.  To make matters worst, all I saw was that his friend dropped his name when he mentioned those people who was supporting his (friend) vice :(  I wanted to post a reply but since I am not a member and he was a mod, who am i to post. 


I'm not sure if their forum has a tracking device of people who links them just like wordpress.  but if ever they have it I'm pretty sure Mr. FisherBoy can explain himself  well :)  And since I couldn't post there, I'm going to say here what I was suppoed to post there.
To the person who started the thread (TS),  I'd like to tell you how much I love you (no romantic feelings involved!). Kudos to you for even starting the thread, and another cheer for even wanting to try.  I know how difficult it is to quit because I have tried and failed and tried again to convince my husband to do so.  One minute he tells you, he has forgotten about smoking and how he hated the scent of smoke, and then after some time he confesses to you that he's been to it again.  Most of the time no confession happens.  Finding an evidence is like fishing.  When you search for them you won't see them.  They come out on unexpected places in an unexpected time of the day. 

Tomorrow marks our 9th year of quitting.  I must tell you that he was successful in a few years only to find out he went back to smoking a few months before we got married.  At several points I  wanted to quit on him but then that wouldn't help him.  I have played several roles already.  The not-talking partner, the angry-partner, the crying style, the begging technique, the who-cares-if-you-die-with-your-smoking-vice attitude, even the NO KISS POLICY did not work.  but all of these will not work if YOU are not convinced that quitting is the best thing to do.  It took my dad to have 5 kids and the youngest to be in grade school to finally and totally say NO.  Of course New Year's Day was always an excuse to use cigar as a lighting device.  But it took years really.  And I think one most important factor is that he had a friend who stopped smoking also.

Freeman's offer is a good start.  No offense, but I think my husband went back to smoking when he started fishing.  Does the feeling of cold wind against your wet shirt bring back a familiar scene?  That happens after fishing and all you wanted was a little warmth...and one stick wouldn't hurt, or maybe two or three.  So what's the solution..QUIT FISHING...hehehe...joke! 


  1. It's always good to search where it started and then from there find means of ending it.

  2. Find a buddy.  Someone to tap you when you're at it again.  Someone to tap also when he's at it, too.  Can I volunteer my husband?

  3. Candy.  Ask wifey to always send you candies.  I should be doing this.

  4. Do not promote smoking.  When you smoke, do not invite friends to smoke with you.  Let the vice end on you.  If they die, they can't blame you.  If you die, you can't blame them.

  5. Do not buy packs.  always in sticks.  So when you run out...that's it..YOU RUN OUT.

Lastly, can I ask you a favor?  If you have a wife, please update her.  There's nothing more heart-wrecking than knowing your husband is not keeping his promise.  She will get mad, but she will love you despite of.