23 May 2010

ME Time

everyone needs (if not deserves) a ME time.  it's a time when you get to do things all by yourself.  For most people ME time means finally getting the spa and massage you've always wanted, or the moment you get to shop all by yourself.  anything that has something to do with pampering one's self after  having worked so hard for the longest time.

But today I figured, ME time can also be the opposite of what i have described above.  Today I did the remaining of my laundry, washed bottles and scrubbed my shoes.  I also did a little work and planned a meeting that i need to do.  But I am happy despite of.  I am happy because I know both daddy and Sofi are happy.  Jaims left at 4 this morning to go Subic.  He's joining MTP's trackday. He's been looking forward to this since he missed the last one.   Sofi on the other hand went out with her grannies and cousin to Club Manila East.  I begged off since I wanted to just rest and finish the work I brought home.   They told me Sofi had a grand time.  We were not able to talk a lot because she fell asleep after I gave her a bath.   Jaims' hasn't gone home yet but I know he'll be talking non-stop about it.

Never mind if I had to celebrate ME time by washing the laundry, Knowing that both of them are enjoying I don't think I'll ever need a spa or a beauty treatment.

God made a visit

or at least HE sent an angel to let me know HE's there.

i have a draft waiting to be updated but it's been there in my "draft box" for weeks now and i haven't find time to do something with it.  Jaims have seen it and has been nagging me what it's all about but I told him, I just couldn't find the right words to make it sensible.  he knows how i feel for the past weeks and i think he has put two and two together so he stopped asking about it.

this weekend i emailed a friend regarding my sentiments and she sent me these wonderful Bible verses.  Of course I wouldn't put the entirety of our exchanges here but I wanted to share these Bible verses so you may be enlightened, too.

John 15: 1-2
1"I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. 2He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

Psalm 147:3
3 He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds.

Psalm 126:5
5 Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy.

Jeremiah 31:9
They will come with weeping; they will pray as I bring them back. I will lead them beside streams of water on a level path where they will not stumble, because I am Israel's father, and Ephraim is my firstborn son.

Kings 6:17
17 And Elisha prayed, "O LORD, open his eyes so he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. à in the natural, di ito kita; sa servant lang pinakita kasi natakot siya na mas marami yung army nung kabila kaya God showed him this as a special vision to make him brave.

James 1:5
5 If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

Psalm 28:7
7 The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song.

I'm so touched by these lines and i'm so thankful that I have a friend like her who gave me these words when I so needed it.

14 May 2010

PT attempt number: i lost count

For the nth time i woke up early morning feeling excited. I got the plastic bag that contained the item I particularly asked Jaims to buy for me. I slowly pulled out the box, went inside the CR, opened it and peeled the plastic inside it. I followed the instructions (very clear in my head without reading it) carefully. But alas, it broke my heart. I can’t remember how many times i have done a pregnancy test. I have memorized the steps and the number of pink lines i should see depending on the result i wanted. But I never got two. The last two pink lines i’ve seen was almost four years ago. A lot of times I end up frustrated, feeling bad why we can’t make another baby. Despite the stress free days we had, the result was still negative. We just feel like Sofi needs a younger sibling now but too bad we’re not that successful.

When I got another negative result today I felt sad again. But it dawned on me that maybe God has other plans (as HE always do) for us. Maybe HE was saying, “you can’t afford to send a kid to preschool and have another baby — that means you’ll have to ask me another favor, to give you an increase in pay,,,ano ka sinuswerte?! “

Sofi's trial class

It’s a shame that i didn’t get to join Sofi in her trial class. I’ve been looking forward to this except that it was scheduled on a workday. Jaims said that it took a while before she warmed up and join the activity. For most of the part she was clingy and just wanted to get a toy even during the session. Her dad said she didn’t pray and she always has the urge to stand up I hope she gets used to the schedule and participate during class time. That we’ll have to see.

08 May 2010

PT attempt number: i lost count

For the nth time i woke up early morning feeling excited.  I got the plastic bag that contained the item I particularly asked Jaims to buy for me.  I slowly pulled out the box, went inside the CR, opened it and peeled the plastic inside it. I followed the instructions (very clear in my head without reading it) carefully.  But alas, it broke my heart.  I  can't remember how many times i have done a pregnancy test.  I have memorized the steps and the number of pink lines i should see depending on the result i wanted.  But I never got two.  The last two pink lines i've seen was almost four years ago.  A lot of times I end up frustrated, feeling bad why we can't make another baby.  Despite the stress free days we had, the result was still negative.  We just feel like Sofi needs a younger sibling now but too bad we're not that successful.

When I got another negative result today I felt sad again.  But it dawned on me that maybe God has other plans (as HE always do) for us.  Maybe HE was saying, "you can't afford to send a kid to preschool and have another baby -- that means you'll have to ask me another favor, to give you an increase in pay,,,ano ka sinuswerte?! "

Sofi's trial class

It's a shame that i didn't get to join Sofi in her trial class.  I've been looking forward to this except that it was scheduled on a workday.  Jaims said that it took a while before she warmed up and join the activity.  For most of the part she was  clingy and just wanted to get a toy even during the session.  Her dad said she didn't pray and she always has the urge to stand up :(  I hope she gets used to the schedule and participate during class time.  That we'll have to see.
