27 June 2010

deloading administrators

i realized just now why there is a need to deload administrators; why most department coordinators in a basic ed setup do not have teaching assignments.

i was doing my lesson plan (LP) for a H2 class for the past few days now.  what takes me a day or two of LP creation when created from scratch is now eating up my entire week and hasn't molded yet into its perfect form.  I remember sending a copy of my LP draft to myself so i can work on it in school but I have only seen it a couple of times and edited it once.  I tried doing it yesterday but somehow something else is still lacking.  Creating the powerpoint is easy just as long as i have everything well laid.  the problem is I couldn't seem to fit the lesson in 60 minutes.  It has to spill next meeting but I'm not sure if the lesson will finish the entire 60 the following meeting.  I've revised the lesson, adding activities here and there but there's more to come.

Enter the dragon.  Since librarians have to teach library skills, the poor deparment chairperson has to check all their LPs before they use them in class.  In as much as i wanted to just leave the LPs and trust their abilities to create meaningful lessons, it just can't be.  It's my responsibility to help them assess the kind of activities they give to students.  In the end, it's not just them who gets blamed.  It's the entire department.  And I just can't risk its name.

25 June 2010


shopping is addicting.  you go to a mall without anything in mind to buy, you go home with a bag or two.  in an instant, you'll realize you needed something from that place.  when i was a kid, i hated going to the mall.  i don't like that suffocating feeling of trying to find your way out. i also hated having to choose clothes. i remember my mom getting frustrated a lot of times because i don't want to choose my christmas clothes or i don't like to try on the black leather shoes they have in the stock.  I was the i-don't-care-if my-clothes-are-still-the-same-for-christmas type of person.

When I got older, and had my own money for buying my own stuff, the frustration came in when i couldn't find the size that would fit me.  Being in this body is quite difficult.  I'm always on the lookout for short but large size clothes but what hey have then was either short-small or long-large.  Soemtimes out of frustration I'd end up buying stuff i don't need or just eating for the sake of spending.  That's bad shopping.

At least nowadays, more shops are recognizing the mixture of short, large and trendy style.  But what's keeping me hook with shopping recently was all for my daughter's needs.  I'm stingy.  If it's for myself there's always the filtering factor of "do i need this?" or "is it important?".  And if there's even the slightest hint of aversion on my part, then it goes back to the rack.  But if it's Sofia's shirt, dress or bottoms then that's another story.  I still filter price but if functionality outweighs the price then why not.

Recently, I rushed to the mall because Sofi needed jogging pants to pair with her PE shirt.  Since it was a small department store, there was not much to see.  When I found a real jogging pants i bought it already.  Only to find out that there's another one in the Pooh collection which looks much better and costs much cheaper.  I took both without hesitation.

Awesome Moment #12

there's much to write about recently but i couldn't find time to blog about them. in days like this when you've had too much sleep in the afternoon, you find the perfect opportunity to blog only to realize you've forgot most of them.

Sofi wore her PE shirt and jogging pants today.  The sight of her in PE outfit is so cute. I saw her when they fetched me this afternoon and she haven't change to her home clothes.  Even if her shirt was smeared with chocolate and her face was all covered with brown stuff, she still looked like a baby pretending to be an adult.

But the most awesome thing for me today is realizing:

how much my daughter loves me

i was in crying in pain this afternoon.  I'm having my hyperacidity attack alongside a splitting, fast-beating headache.   Jaims left today but he reminded Sofi to take care of mommy.  Anyway I cued Mr. Bean in YouTube and for two hours Sofia did her best not to bother me.  I only remember her curling up to me after hearing a thunder roar.  When I started to talk she told me that Missy doesn't have battery anymore.  I plugged Missy and slept again.  When I woke up, I went to the washroom to vomit.  I was crying right after because the pain doesn't want to go away.  She went beside me and gave me a hug.  Afterwhich she asked me why i was asked crying.

That instant, I felt a hundred times better.

And then she opened her milkbox and found an old medicine, she said: "ay kaya, di mo kse nidri-drink yung medicine mo, uminom ka nga!"

20 June 2010

awesome moment #11

ok, so i'm not being religious with my 365 AM's but i'm really trying. the past week had been very busy i hardly have time to even open Missy.  I'll just push through with my AMs when time permits.

Awesome Moment #11: watching a movie.

It's been years since I last entered a movie house.  In fact i don't even have an idea how much tickets cost now.  Two weeks ago, when I saw the trailer of Toy Story 3, I already asked Jaims to book June 19 for us.  It will mark 4 momentous events in our lives.

  1. Sofi's first time to watch a movie
  2. our first movie, after not having watch for three years
  3. our first family movie date
  4. early father's day celebration

Since Toy Story 3 opened this Thursday, the line was still long.  But SM Marikina opened 3 cinemas to show TS3 -- Cinema 1, Cinema 2 and Cinema 7.  One of the cinemas offer TS3 in 3D but we opted to have the regular show since I knew Sofi might not like the idea of wearing 3D glasses.  For a film that lasts for more than 60 minutes, Sofi didn't act up.  For the longest time, Jaims and I are not too keen on bringing her to the movies.  we are afraid that money might go to waste if  Sofi ended up getting scared or shocked or simply not in the mood.  When we got in there, Sofi was so happy she was actually watching the trailers.  And each time an opening credit shows up, Sofi keeps shouting, "ayan na, ayan na!" while trying to anticipate the beginning of TS3.

Just like any regular kid, she kept on asking silly questions, like:

  • ba't madilim?
  • ba't ka tatawa?
  • ba't sila nagwa-watch?
  • ba't mo nilagay yung water ko jan? (referring to the cinema seat cup holder)
  • ano yan? (while looking at the light coming from thr projector)
  • friend mo sya? (referring to the one seated near me)

Though on the latter part of the movie, I noticed her trying to get down from her seat, walking in the nearby seats and started to suck on her thumb.  I knew she's getting bored and sleepy.  But the thought of her lasting for an hour inside the movie house without having tantrums is something I can be proud of.  My little baby is getting bigger by the minute.  I need to treasure each and every minute of our days being together.

12 June 2010

Awesome Moment #10

Parents' Orientation

Ever since I entered XS, I  have attended a number of Parents' Orientation and my lone participation to all of those was a mere subject.  You see, in a Parents' Orientation there are three types of people present.

  1. The PRESENTOR - usually the school owner/director/highest school official.  He/She may be followed by the principal and those next in line.
  2. The PARENTS - you can't have a parents' orientation without this important element.
  3. The SUBJECT - Other than the school's VMG, the teachers and staff get a chance to experience limelight on this event.

This morning I have the chance of experiencing my first ever REAL Parents' Orientation as a PARENT.  We started of with a prayer, then we proceeded with the school's Vision-Mission-Goal, the usual stuff.  The disadvantage of working for a school and have attended a number of orientations is that you see the flaws of other schools.  I was telling Jaims I wanted to takeover and do some editing with their PPT, or maybe change the flow of the program.  But these are minor stuff that a non-OC might not see.

Sitting there as a parent and looking at the number of activities that Sofi and her classmates will do for this school year, there is a sinking feeling that I won't be a good mom.  I wanted to balance my career and my family time but given the many NEW things in my life I might end up being poor at one aspect.  But I'm being positive about this.  I know the Parents' Orientation is just the beginning of infinitely wonderful possibilities.

sick sick week

this has been a terrible week for my family as all of us are battling with common sickness -- colds, cough, fever, headaches, tummy ache and recently sore eyes.    Name it, and we got it.  For Jaims and I everything is tolerable but the sight of Sofi struggling, crying, ailing is one thing I can't bear.  She started with fever that lasted for several days, then on the latter part of her fever, colds manifested and a few days after, cough followed.  When she woke up this morning, she can't barely open her eyes.  Both her eyes were reddish but her left secretes a yellow substance. We were all supposed to attend the parents' orientation but given the situation and we don't want all the kids not to be able to attend their first day, Daddy's staying home with Sofi.

Sofi already lose a kilo since last weigh in.  This is not the typical Sofi. She's been sleeping the entire day and refusing milk intake.  I just hope she makes it in time for her first day.

11 June 2010

Awesome Moment #9

I was asked to read one line from the Prayers of the Faithful part of our missioning mass this afternoon.  I thought that was cool, since not all has the chance to become a reader.  I think the last time I read a line for a mass was 5 years ago. But after the mass I receive an extremely Awesome News.

P5,000.00 SM gift checque for all those present during that mass.

Working for XS has really been a blessing since Day 1.  I know I'm pitted most of the time to hungry crocs but the way XS pays me back is incomparable.  Father Johnny has surprised us several times with extra something and giving something today is uber way out of what was expected. I love XS. I love Father Johnny.

10 June 2010

Awesome Moment #7 and #8

no sense in splitting the articles. i'm too tired to create two separate articles today.  thursday seemed like two fridays put together, it's just so tiring.

AM #7 Krispy Kreme

who wouldn't like Krispy Kreme's original glazed -- the slight melting of each crumb inside your mouth is heaven in itself.  Pair it with hot coffee in a rainy afternoon is a bliss.  never mind if Sofi didn't even have a bite :( Krispy Kreme deserves a spot in my 365 Awesome Moments.

AM#8: Bulletin boards put up in an hour when you have the entire summer to do it.

Most of the time, anything finished in the nick of time turns better than what was actually planned.  I have put up several BBs in the past, most of which where done in haste during last minute preps, but needless to say, have turned heads.  i love how my first GS library bulletin board ended up today.  Who would have thought that book jackets will work as a nice BB backdrop.  I even placed more on my glassed panel.  We're still putting up 2 more tomorrow, and I just wish they'll end up perfect.

08 June 2010

Awesome Moment #6

Since schools have started this week for some, traffic is horrible. My usual 30-45 minute travel is now converted to 60+ minutes. I sometimes go home hungry and that's okay but with the new travel time i have to grab something before going home, less i want my intestines to fight with each other. Today, it's exciting to find out

that the leftover food you feasted on a few days back is still inside the refrigerator and still has its same good ol' taste you enjoyed.

Jaims brought home chicken lasagna from the wedding he attended last Saturday. I got to taste it last Sunday and it was really good. Yesterday, I ate Spaghetti when I got home but i remember seeing the lasagna still inside the fridge. When I got home I made Sofi milk, and prayed hard that the leftover is still there. And it was there, as if waiting for me all along. I heated it using our microwave oven, sniffed it if it smells funny and gobbled it up. While I was thinking of my Awesome Moment and I was on my last spoonful (forkful?), I realized the leftover needs to be captured.

07 June 2010

Awesome Moment #5

a rescheduled Parents' orientation/PTA/meeting

there's nothing more  heart wrecking than finding out that your daughter's scheduled parent activity falls on a weekday and you just can't afford to go on leave for work.  The original Parents' Orientation was scheduled last June 5, a Saturday but the school moved it to June 11 Friday.  Today I got a text message from teacher Che informing us that the orientation was rescheduled on June 12, Saturday. WOOT! Now I don't have to worry about going on leave on Friday :)

06 June 2010

Awesome Moment #4

finding that another store has the stuff you wanted all along

last thursday, i went straight to Megamall after work (see June 3 post) while roaming I saw a nice bag. i've been looking for a handbag this past few days to kick off a new school year but i always end up not finding what i really like.  More than the style, it's the price that hinders me from buying something.  Last time, I saw a Secosana bag on a sale but i felt that the 600 php is too expensive for a bag.  I didn't buy it.  But when I got home I realized I like it.  The following week, just 3 days apart, I went back to get it but it was no longer there.  I was hoping it's still there but with a regular price but i failed to see it.  I told neri and MC about it and they were laughing at my stinginess.  They advised me that if i find something i like i should get it.  P600.00 isn't bad a price for a nice handbag.

So when I saw the bag last thursday, I went back to Jaims to ask for our leftover GC who was in Building A.  He kept it since he was the last one who purchased something from hypermart.  He said he left it at home. I thought what the heck I'll just come back for it.  When I got hold of my GC I waited for Saturday to come.  Tracking back to Saturday's post, we all know we didn't get the bag.  Since it wasn't there anymore.  I texted Neri and she was laughing at me big time.  she advised me to get another bag even if it's expensive already but when you have that feeling of not getting what you wanted, everything else does not appeal to your liking.  Good thing Awesome Moment#3 happened or I would have cried over a "lost" bag.

when Jaims and I were planning our Sunday, going to the mall was part of it.  He initially wanted to go to Market! MArket! but since I have GC and I have a plan of using it to buy my bag, I insisted on going to another SM -- SM Marikina.  When I got there I went straight to the bag section and found what I was looking for.  I told the saleslady to hold it for a while so I can go around (in search for a cheaper bag) and ended up buying that exact bag I wanted 3 days ago.  The brand is Jovanni (not too familiar as it's my first time to see the brand in SM also).  In a way, I told the saleslady my story and she said that they only hold 2 stocks for each style in each store.  I felt lucky that I still found one.  My plan was to look for another bag/style/brand.  To me finding that same bag is near impossible, but I did.

*NOTE: this entry was delayed in posting because I couldn't resist family time. I tried continuing the post when I woke up but I might get late for work so I stopped.  Thank God for lunch breaks :) picture to follow

05 June 2010

new toy

When Ninang Shy came to Manila, the godchild received new toys – a Dora the Explorer Sleepy Dreams Doll and a replica of Dora’s backpack. Of course the kumares’ also got their share of pasalubong. I got a Digital Picture Viewer with keychain -- a small USB powered photo slider and has a 1.5” display that can hold up to a hundred digipics.

I tried it today while waiting for my turn to load the laundry and it’s quite easy to use. Just plug it in your computer using the provided cable and the software to download pics from your PC will launch. You don’t even have to worry about the size of the pic since the software is capable of cropping the pictures for you. Just set the crop area at a specific cut/angle and the pics are ready for downloading.

I loaded a few pics just to test the system and it’s working fine. I’m charging it now using that same cable.

[gallery columns="4"]

Smartparts Digital Picture Viewer with Keychain
Stores up to 100 photos
Anti-scratch panel
Plug and Play – Works with windows ® 2000/XP/Vista ™
Compatiblewith Mac ® OS X
Includes USB cable for easy photo transfer and recharging
Smartparts Desktop software included

Awesome Moment #3

freebies when you least expect it

Sofi and I went to SM to buy the bag i saw two days ago but when we got there the bag i was eyeing was no longer in the display.   I searched for another bag but i couldn't find anything i like. anyway, i just treated Sofi to Krispy Kreme.  I've been craving for it last week and i felt now's a good time to give in since sofi will surely enjoy it.  i ordered 3 pcs glazed and a small smooth coffee.  While in line a guy handed Sofi a Krispy Kreme hat. We're so used to the hat and at one time Sofi even got a Krispy Kreme balloon.

Tonight Sofi and I decided to sit near the doughnut conveyor. I pointed to her that they are making doughnuts at the moment.  She stood up her chair and was giggling at the sight of the moving doughnuts.  the next thing we knew a crew approached her asking her name and handed her a special variety - a round, filled doughnut topped with one hershey's kisses. (i tried to look for a picture in their website but i couldn't find one, but i found the Krispy Kreme Limited Edition Valentine's Doughnut. picture taken from Brian Ong's blog)

Sofi took the kisses but didn't eat the doughnut.  She still prefer the original glazed.  So she ate two of the glaze while i ate her special doughnut.  I just love having an adorable daughter...and the perks i'm getting because of her.

04 June 2010


what happens when the members of your blogroll do not blog anymore? do you still call it blog roll when technically they don't roll anymore?

with a daytime job, i must admit i can't afford to blog everyday but to totally remove blogging from my system would be another issue.  i have friends who got inspired by my blogging and i also have some friends who discovered blogging on their own.  But it seems the people on my list are no longer updating their blogs.  Too bad because it's my way of knowing how are they feeling at a certain point of time.  They update me without that stalking feeling.  Blogs also introduce me to different writing styles.  Blogs define new things.  They are a source of new topics for my other entries -- whether it's a repost, inspired by another blog entry, or a reminder of some sort.  Most of all blogs make research easier (or harder because of the trash other people make).

I'm completely lost. I started this entry just wondering what happened to my blogmates but i ended up thinking of what to say to my class come 2nd week of June.  I was told I'll be teaching WP to my internet research class this school year.  This means I'll be blogging for the rest of the SY, to say the very least.

3 units or 6 units?

it's enrolment time again and i'm still not decided if i'll pursue my MA this year.  i'm still far from compre and i'm not sure how long it will take me to finish it. my school buddy told the big boss that he's stopping already.  I still want to continue but with all the responsibility i have right now plus the expenses we'll incur in the next months because of Sofi's tuition I'm not even sure if i can afford to pay my own tuition.

can i afford 6 units (2 classes) financially and physically?  I asked jaims just now if he can afford to send me to school next sem with 6 units:
mommy: daddy, kaya mo ba ako paaralin ng 6 units?
daddy: how much?
mommy: last sem, i paid 1500 per payday.
daddy: that's just 3 units, right?
mommy: yes
daddy: so that's P6,000 monthly
mommy: around that price
daddy: NO!

hmmmkei! so we can't afford it financially. i don't even have to ask myself if i can manage 6 units physically, i know the answer without even blinking my eye. i'll settle for 3 units, i guess.

Photo source: http://mappery.com/maps/Ateneo-de-Manila-University-Loyola-Heights-Campus-Map.mediumthumb.jpg

Awesome Moment #2

Before I  completely forget, have you ever experienced arriving in a meeting really late but still being able to answer a question as if you've been there the first second of the meeting? today i felt that way.  although there was no question literally thrown at me, everyone was surprised when i was able to tell them the name of the form they were talking about even if i have just arrived. i know it's very shallow but i felt triumphant at that instant.  even if people were looking at you because you came in late, that whole instant justifies your lateness.  that's my awesome moment #2 :

able to answer an instant question despite being late for that meeting

03 June 2010

Awesome Moment #1

That instant feeling of having hope.

Despite not being able to finish what was on my to-do-list last week because of the several parent orientations i have attended and one newbie orientation i have conducted, top that with subordinates who love "to make your day",  Papa Jesus made me smile today.

Jaims made me go straight to Megamall afterwork because he needed to do something for his boss and Sofi was with him.  When I got to where they are, he pointed to me his friend way-way back 90s.  So i went across to say hi and so did Jaims.  The conversation led to houses and how lucky their brother was to have acquired a 3-floor-property somewhere Proj.4 for 2M only.  It's a good catch considering Proj.4 is somewhat commercial.  Then Mylene told us that she has an aunt who's selling her house in Antipolo.  The lot is big and the house is in placed already.  The old lady is selling her house because no one lives there anymore.

I had that instant feeling of happiness and giddiness when I heard of it.  We were thinking that maybe Kiko and Mylene are the answers to our prayers. And that God sent them our way today to bring us good news.  Of course nothing is final yet but that feeling was surely awesome.

365 Awesome Moments

Inspired by the blog 1000 Awesome Things as posted in Wordpress success story, I'm committed to finding God each day in my life.  Been having terrible downing experience lately and that post made me realize how many little things are left backstage.  I decided that however bad my day is there is at least one thing good that happen to me everyday -- thus, I am making an effort to create a daily entry called 365 Awesome Moments.

Launching this took a while since I'm not sure how committed I can be in creating a daily entry.  I originally intended to blog about this when the post came out but I'm kinda skeptic in my ability to blog each day of the year.  So I told myself, I'll blog about it starting June 1 but i failed again.  Now I'm  making sure this project get launched tonight.  Forgive me, if I happen to forget one entry, I'll try to make up for it the soonest I can -- that is if i can remember everything that happened to me.

oops, can i just launch tonight and declare tomorrow as day 1?