29 November 2008


Wiki defines Hilot (/hee-lot/) as:
an ancient Filipino art of healing, commonly used today to relax stressed muscles.

Ever since Sofi was born I have heard more than a dozen of old beliefs surface.  Mostly warnings on how to take care of little angels.  There are some which I follow and there are more that Jaims and I secretly laugh at behind my mother's back.  I remember mama saying "oy, wag nyo isakay si Sofi sa likod nyo at susungki ang ngipin!" Jaims will retort (of course behind mama's back), "para namang ang ganda ng ngipin ko", referring to his misaligned teeth.  And one time, mama said "never ever kissed a baby's feet or else she will kick you when she grows up..." yeah right?!

two weeks ago was different, Sofi has been restless.  Her fever kept on recurring.  Cold at one time, terribly hot at one point.  Colds and cough kept her awake at night and she would threw up every time we give her something to drink or eat.  Seven oz of milk will just go straight to our bedsheets.  We literally smell like vomit and I have to wash her clothes every night just to lessen the scent.

The recurring fever and the vomitting continued.  The pedia recommended an antibiotic but she continued to not feel well.  Friday night, mama decided to look for a hilot.  At this point I will accept any type of healing possible.  Our neighbor, Aling Gloria, who has been here in the village for almost 2 decades said there was one in Malvar St.  Mama was supposed to bring Sofi there but Aling Gloria said, the hilot can just come to our place.  Sofi and I waited for a few minutes before a not-so-old lady came.  She was Chinese looking and her skin was so fair.  If she didn't tell us that she lives in the iskwa side of our village she would passed as a rich Chinese.  She was not the hilot I was thinking of.  She made chika first then she brought out an oil bought at Our Lady of Manaoag in Pangasinan.  Sofi was crying.  But she said that it's alright for Sofi to cry for a few minutes than struggle in pain for more days.  She said Sofi has many pilay.  That we wouldn't contest.  Sofia's so active, there wasn't a day after she learned how to walk by herself that she wouldn't climb tables, fall off the ground and stand up at once.  After putting up a brave front every time she falls, it's not surprising that the pain will show all at the same time.

Aling Virgie said Sofi will still experience a little fever maybe that night or the next, but she will be okay afterwards.  Sofi fell asleep, while half naked, as I lead Aling Virgie by the door.  True to her words Sofi ran a little fever the next morning.  But she didn't had fever in the next days anymore.  I still brought her to her pedia the next day because I was worried about her vomitting.  She had a blood test to check for dengue but it scored negative.  Her pedia gave her another set of meds but Jaims and I decided not to give her the antibiotic.  We gave her the anti-histamine instead following a regular schedule.  In a few days Sofi was okay already.

The world may be as modern as it is but there are still things that are hard to comprehend.  I still believe that Hilot has scientific explanations and medical experts can actually attest to that.  Aling Virgie says she works also at the health center of our village so I know for one that she understands anatomy like any docs do.  But my belief still holds true, that not all medicine can cure what they claim they do.

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