21 September 2009


Jaims left at dawn today for a fishing trip.  In as much as I wanted to argue with him about it, there's nothing I can do.  The man has long been deprived of what he really wanted in the past months.  anyway Sofi and I are left to do the house chores.  This used to be a Saturday event but the long weekend gave me more time to choose when to do the household chores.

i woke up at 7am.  Since Sofi was still asleep, I decided to bring down my first set of laundry and leave it at our washing machine.  since it is fully automatic, i will just come back to put fabric softener at the last part of the cycle.  I went up again, folded the used blankets and freed the room of any clutter.  I was also contemplating on how to remove deodorant stains in our clothes.  the stains accumulated over time making it less wearbale.  i searched the Internet while waiting for Sofi to wake.  There were many ways on how to do it but one easy method I found  was to leave it overnight in a water-vinegar solution.   Since I need an immediate fix, I made a water-vinegar solution and left the clothes for 30 minutes.  I scrubbed the area afterwards with soap.  The affected area became a little better after scrubbing it.   maybe if I do this before dumping everything in the washing machine then I'll have deo-free laundry.

When Sofi woke up, I gave her a bag which contains her necessities...toys and Barbie DVD.  We went down and urged her to eat with me but she wasn't in the mood.  She just laydown on the sofa and watched her Barbie DVD using her lolo's portable player.  After loading my last set of laundry to our washer, I gave Sofi a bath but since she wasn't in the mood she was screaming when i started pouring the cold water over her head.  I had to bring her back to the kitchen, boil water and let her wait.  While waiting for the water to boil, i folded my first set of laundry.

i gave her a fast bath, patted her dry, dressed her up and gave her milk.  When  i checked on her water suppply, I realized that she only has two bottles left.  So i washed her soiled bottles and boiled them.  I went back to my laundry and folded them again.  After everything has been folded and hung.  I fixed her milk box, loaded our laundry back to its bag and dragged her to our room so she can rest.

When we got to our room, I knew she was sleepy but I know that she wouldn't sleep if you impose it on her.  I plugged her Barbie DVD in our computer and told her that I'll just take a bath.  Just before I entered the bathroom she called me and told me that she likes milk.  I can't seem to wipe the grin off my face, I knew that she'll fall asleep the moment she finishes her milk.  And I was right!  She fell asleep while watching Barbie.

I took the opportunity to work on my Statistics assignment, eat lunch, surf the Internet and watched a "muted" TV  show until she woke up and started asking about her Barbie DVD again.

It's 3PM already and there's one more thing that I haven't accomplish today.  To bring her out and eat at McDO.  But the stupid rain prevents us from doing so :(