11 April 2010


Have you ever experienced getting all wrapped up with hair when you wake up in the morning? Well, I do. So I had my haircut a few days ago. My hair gets its once a year cut every summer. I like it short every summer so that when I get back to work, people gets a little surprise. Maybe it’s the KSP in me rather than the adventure seeker which prods me to cut my hair from long to really, really short. Anyway, I know it will grow back the way it was after a year.

And since Jaims had his haircut before summer, I also wanted Sofi to have her haircut. We decided to trim her bangs and let her hair grow before because it’s so hard to clip her hair. If it’s long then we’ll just have to ponytail it. But Sofi’s hair is straight and smooth that when you tie it, the band falls off eventually. Besides, THE daddy is really poor in tying and maintaining the hair, so bye bye long hair.

Notice that her hair is not that perfectly trim. It’s because Jaims was the one who cut it. Since salon for kids are way too expensive and we don’t expect Sofi to behave well then we opted to resort to the home barber.

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