07 December 2008

terrible two's

they say when your child turns two that's when all the seemingly impossible things happen.  but sofi is barely 17 months and mommy is already feeling her terrible weekends.

saturday, dec 06

  • Sofi spitted the rice she was chewing because she wanted Kuya's (my nephew) instant pancit canton

  • threw tantrums when i didn't allow her to go out (will she do this if dadi doesn't allow her to go on a date?)

  • I bought her a toy sprinkler in a surplus shop outside our village, worth P50.  When we got home I was asking her to give it to me so we can put water inside.  She was mad and she refused to let go of the sprinkler. 

  • threw her shoes and didn't want to pick 'em up

  • After ba-bath time, she grabbed the remote control and threw it on the floor when mommi asked for it.  The RC broke into pieces.

Sunday, Dec 07

  • Children run towards the priest after the mass so they can ask for the priest's blessing.  Bishop Martirez celebrated the mass today.   Jaims brought Sofi in front and when it was her turn to be blessed, Sofi swayed her head on the side.  Bishop tried again and Sofi did the same thing.  Bishop told her: "loko 'to!" Jaims told Sofi to look at the other kids and Sofi finally gave in.

  • She pooped and didn't want to cooperate.  how can I wash her butt if she prefers sitting on the floor of the sink?

  • She slapped the cactus and got a 1cm cut. 

  • Mama was tending her plants and I went inside to get the keys.  Then I heard mama and our cook shouting.  i ran outside to see what happened.  Sofi ate soil. 

  • Jaims and I decided it's high time that Sofi get another haircut.  She was placed in the sink and was being prepped for ba-bath time.  Jaims asked me to get a comb in our room when I went back I heard Sofi screaming even if I was still in our garage gate.  The problem? Sofi was scared of hair...her own hair.    She was squirming out of the sink because she didn't like to see her hair.

Tomorrow, Monday, is a Catholic school holiday.  This means extra day-off.  This means another day with Sofi.  While her tantrums gets to me at times, I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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