01 January 2012

it's back! 365 Awesome Moment

Since I ended 2011 in a depressed mode, I promise myself that I'd make 2012 the "bestest" year there is.  How should I do it? Well, I'd be bringing the 365 Awesome Moment back...and this time I hope to even reach more than last year's total posts.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed...and so are my chubby legs :)

Awesome Moment #1
January 1, 2012

Sorry Papa Jesus that we were not able to go to church during your birthday but I have a good news for you...we made it on the first day of the year :)

Since we spent New Year with my hubby's family, we were able to get home at past 2AM already. Naturally our bodies responded by waking up at almost 12 noon.  The original plan was to hear a New Year's eve mass but we didn't know that the Church near their place was closed. We can't make it in time for the noon mass either so we said we'll hear mass at a later time.  During the afternoon, when we had our late lunch around 5:30, mama insisted that I get the clothes from the sampayan.  Since I was in a hurry I rushed folding.  We thought mass was at 7 but we learned from the schedule posted outside the Church that the last mass was at 6:30.  We were late but at least we made it :)

Happy New Year everyone!

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