01 February 2006

six years...and still counting!!!

Tomorrow, Jaims and I are celebrating our sixth year of being together (yey!) I still remember a few days after we became an item I was still counting our first week together, our first month…who would have thought we’ll be able to reach our sixth year.

We don’t have concrete plans for tomorrow. I have work and he has backlogs for editing but we promised to celebrate it nevertheless. Maybe we would pass by the Church, have dinner and hopefully be able to discuss our wedding plans. A few days ago, we were talking about THE plans over the phone, and I suddenly become all so jittery. Just thinking about breaking the news to mama and papa makes me feel so stressed out.

But really, I’m excited about tomorrow for two reasons. First, six years is SIX YEARS. Not all couples are lucky enough to last that long, and I’m really proud that Jaims and I have managed to reach this point. We do have our shares of conflicts --- with me as the main reason why these conflicts arise in the first place --- but we still manage to get pass them (because of Jaims’ extra long patience). The second reason why I’m excited tomorrow is because I’m thinking that Jaims is cooking something up for tomorrow. I know I shouldn’t expect. It would be terribly disappointing not to find something surprising tomorrow…but that’s okay.

Happy 6th Anniversary, sweetie!
I love you very very very very very very very much!

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