18 August 2009

exposure trip to the barber shop

early-readersofi and I followed dadi yesterday when he decided to have his hair trimmed at a village barber shop.  Sofi doesn't like having her hair cut nor does she want to see pieces of hair in the floor.  when we got there, dadi was waiting for his turn.  sofi saw the trimmed hair  on the floor and she got agitated again.  She was screaming and shouting NO.  She was even asking me to sweep the floor to get rid of the hair.  When it was Jaims' turn, she grabbed a magazine and started reading.  I didn't have a camera so I took Jaims' phone and took a picture of my baby in her exposure trip.  Took a lot of prodding before i can convince her to sit on the swivel chair.


convinced her tonight to have her bangs cut :)

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