02 August 2009

teacher sarah

IMG_4868Since our libraries are already integrated and two librarians left from previous school year, i was called to handle the ILSP class for Grade 1.  ILSP classes are info literacy  classes to teach students how to use the library and become better handlers of information.  it wasn't until the latter part of summer that i learned i was going to handle the Grade 1 boys.  The school year hasn't even warmed up and another librarian informed us of her intention to retire early.  We were left with no choice but to take on the Grade 2 class meant for her.

For someone who's been handling high school boys for 4 years, teaching the lower grade level is a challenge.  i feel that teaching them is a lot harder than teaching older boys.  How can I explain to them how to borrow when they don't even know what a call number is?  Do they even know how to write? Can I raise my voice without offending them? Will they throw fits once they get the wrong answer? Am I oblige to give them candies to motivate them to recite?  will they believe me? should i believe them? what will i do if they start crying?

anyways, some of my questions were answered 2 weeks ago.  The Grade 2 boys were extremely active.  They were raising their hands each time i asked, and they seem to have the energy of a nuclear plant.  I had back-to-back classes of Grade 2 boys with 2 sections, meaning, i was handling 2 sections for 80 minutes.  It's a good thing, Reagan and I splitted the load or I might die of exhaustion.  It's scary to have them first thing in the morning while their energies are still surging.  We added activities after each lesson to make sure thay don't die of boredom.  But in some sections the boys can be a little rowdy, they all wanted to recite so they grab the activity cards from the one who was supposed to recite.  It can be riot, if you mind them.  But after the tiring session, i can't help but smile when I see them all excited to have their borrower's card.  There are some boys who would grab a book from their smaller, less powerful, classmates and borrow it themselves.  Some are nice enough to share a book with their classmates.  I feel so fulfillled seeing how this little boys are excited to borrow books and whenever i hear them greeting me.   This quarter I was tasked to be the counter during recess, and it's so fulfilling to hear them call you and greet you.  Some would even stop by and mention that they are borrowing today.

Last week, I had my first session with the Grade 1 boys.  With them, I had to make a giant borrower's card, and giant yellow card, and they have to have a practice sheet to write on before they can borrow.  I have to repeat important details, and I have to be much animated than before.  They're a lot inquisitive than the Grade 2.  I had a few boys insisting on being called (even if I don't have a question) and when you call them they'll tell you a mile long story...not related to the lesson.  I got several questions, some are funny:

Are there classes on Monday? Why shouldn't we have classes? Because it's SONA. There are no announcement yet. (And his predictions came true, Nostradamus, is that you?)

(I was already rushing my lesson because they came late and a boy insisted on being called after flashing the faces of the library staff. 
Teacher, that Emman guy, he is the boyfriend of my Prep teacher.
(The Emman guy doesn't have a girlfriend in our Prep department, there's another Emman though who has wife from the EEd Dept.)

After discussing the rules inside the library, a boy raised his hand.  
Yes, do you have a question?
My ID broke.

I give out sample borrower's card and a book to each boy and I allow them to practice by copying the call number and accession number. A boy called my attention and said,
Are you sure this is just an example?
yes, this is just an example.
Are you sure we won't take these books home?
Teacher said this is just an example, you won't take the books home. You can get another one later.
Good! because Snow White is for girls.

Why are you crying?
My pencil went at the back of the shelf?
I'll just lend you.
I want my pencil (still crying)
What happened? Why did your pencil got stuck there? Who threw it?
he didn't answer.
Did you throw it?

While showingthe names and faces of the library staff, the name Noemi appeared and a boy raised his hand. I called him and he said:
"My yaya's name is Noemi."

How can you take care of the books you borrowed?
Boy1: Do not rip the pages.
Boy2:Do not throw the book.
Boy3: Do not FRY the book.

Postscript 08-04-2009
had another class yesterday. part of the lesson is to discuss the sections of the library, one of which is the Teachers' Collection. One boy asked:
Teacher, if I disguised as a teacher will you know that I entered the Teachers' Collection?


1 comment:

  1. i love these quotes! you should collect 'em all and share, share, share!
