04 November 2010

gickr.com animation

back in college, Paint Shop Pro allowed me to create animated gifs. though Photoshop existed before, it was through PSP that i learned the basics of layering and image manipulation. i know Photoshop can animate gifs also but i haven't had the time to explore. a few weeks back i had a professional conversation with a friend, and the idea of online gif animator came about. we knew it existed as photo editors are already accessible everywhere. it's only now that i had the time to look for one.

Gickr.Com sews images in one file to make it appear as moving.
pimp your myspace at Gickr.com

Gickr.Com allows users to upload as much as 10 images to make the movement more accurate. The only downside about it is the watermark at the lower right side of the image.
Make your own animation

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